Saturday, February 28, 2009


You backstabbers out there
(that are everywhere)

I thought your breed only stay put at one place
which is why you do that in the first place
Don't you know it's a disgrace
To drop other people's face

A person should have an open mind
Don't let your mind be so confined
Stop stabbing people from behind
What will happen to human kind

Though you're the one setting the dice
I would like to give a bit of advice
Your tales come with a bit of a price
You might have to pay when I'm on the rise

By then, you won't want to be you
Your sore tales would haunt you
For noboby would want you
Perhaps, even you!

I pray for you to start anew
Perhaps you might become a beau
My symphaties are for you
For it will come back to YOU!

11.55 am 28th February 2009
Asniza Hamzah


  1. i like this post. yeah, i like this one. very much!! it rhymessssssssss. ;DDD

  2. tengok katun berjual beli
    macam pantun melayu asli
    woo hooooo!
    ma kasey..
