Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ammar strikes again!

Ammar strikes again, he locked his daddy in the bathroom this morning while mummy was already at school! I only found out about this in the afternoon when I called him to say 'hi'. Can you imagine being locked inside the bathroom, having to struggle your way out?

So how are we supposed to avoid all these risks, having small children around? I don't mean 'risks of having children' but everyday risks that parents and children undertake and the consequences that we have to face.

Everyday is definitely a new learning parenting experience, yes, that can only be learnt through experience. Books, family and friends etc can tell you so many things and give all kinds of advice but only experience can provide the best methods and means for parenthood!

Experience is the best but of course, the meanest teacher of all..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


is just a word,
a harmless little adjective
that leads to catastrophes.

Is it just a word?
it is definitely not positive
but positively negative,
negatively scary,

and scarily contagious,
contagiously outrageous,
outrageously convincing that

life is not worth living,
no one is worth the caring,
when everything is mundane,
and everyone seems insane.

It is not just a word,
it is indisputably dangerous,
a treacherous enthusiasm,
an apathetic phenomena,
that leads to violation
and abandonment
of all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

They're only words, but they could kill

Oops, they did it again!
The cashew nuts strike again!!
This time, involving a friend, colleague and parent all summed into one.
Oh, and a spouse of that person whose world is now spinning gasing.

What you do between the four walls of your home, does not necessarily mean that the walls would secure you from the world outside and the outside world.

What you confide in a colleague in the comfort of your own school does not necessarily mean that it will stay in your own school, as walls at school have more eyes and ears and in fact, possess bigger mouths that cannot be seen even with very tactful eyes.

Who you think is a teacher of your children is first and foremost a normal 'flawfull' human being who have many ways of turning into a hateful selfish tell tale creature that can destroy every little bit of happiness that you have left or you hope to have in what's left of your life.

What you expect to be a confidential MOU between you and that 'trusted' trustworthy trustee does not necessarily mean that the MOU then would still be understood later. It might as well have been called an MOM.. Memorandum of Misunderstanding, so everyone can just purposely misunderstand and do whatever the hell they like, with whoever the hell they know, wherever the hell they feel suitable, however the hell the way it is and whenever the hell permits! For God's sake, an MOU is an MOU! It does not have to be a *#%k^+# written agreement!

Who you trust as a friend (especially at work) does not necessarily mean that the person would stand by your side through thin and thick. In fact, that person may be the one breaking the thin ice that you're standing on the moment they get the opportunity so you would drown and freeze to death immediately, without even having the chance to realise it before it's too late.

Who you believe is your life partner for decades does not necessarily mean that you are still with the same person that you met and knew ages ago. They may surprise and give you the shock of your life that you have no faith in anyone anymore, perhaps not even in yourself!

The lesson that we should learn from this IS that, 1) trust no one! 2) trust especially not two! 3) trust nobody,nobody and nobody at all, except in Allah of course..

We cannot force upon others a certain expectation that we ourselves cannot fulfil if thrusted onto us but we can stop (or at least try to) ourselves from being our own enemy and stop using our own weapon to trap and kill ourselves in our own words..