Saturday, February 28, 2009

i am


i am matured
i am wise
i am reasonable
i am responsible
i am enthusiastic
i am highly spirited
and full of energy

i am lightheaded
i am childish
i am gigglish
i am happy
i laugh out loud
i am quick
i am witty
i am funny
i am experienced
and full of stories

i am dumb
i am stupid
i get jealous
i am fierce
i get angry
i get depressed
i get demotivated
i am defensive
if i feel the need

i am sad
i get upset
i am melancholic
i sulk and cry and weep
when i am hurt deep inside
Wrecked even by winds of words

I AM what i am
i am human
i am a woman
i am a wife
i am a mother
i am a daughter
i am a sister
i am a teacher
i am learning
i am a friend
i am just a girl
i am just a child
Deep inside
I AM who i am
Inside out
I AM who i portray
On the surface

Forgive me for who I AM

12.28 pm 28th February 2009
asniza hamzah


You backstabbers out there
(that are everywhere)

I thought your breed only stay put at one place
which is why you do that in the first place
Don't you know it's a disgrace
To drop other people's face

A person should have an open mind
Don't let your mind be so confined
Stop stabbing people from behind
What will happen to human kind

Though you're the one setting the dice
I would like to give a bit of advice
Your tales come with a bit of a price
You might have to pay when I'm on the rise

By then, you won't want to be you
Your sore tales would haunt you
For noboby would want you
Perhaps, even you!

I pray for you to start anew
Perhaps you might become a beau
My symphaties are for you
For it will come back to YOU!

11.55 am 28th February 2009
Asniza Hamzah

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Slip of the tongue

From 23rd to 27th February 2009 I was, am and will be in Permai to brief all the PKPs and HOPs from Kelantan on the EMS 2 module that would have to be carried out at school level soon after.

In the hall, there would be about 50 PKPs and 50 HOPs waiting 'eagerly' for my talk. It was definitely my first time giving talks to so many PKPs that I felt I was being observed and was under tremendous pressure, hoping no one would be awarding marks.

On my first day, in my attempt to be formal and to please the PKPs according to the protocol required, my first utterances were " Yang Berusia..." instead of 'yang berusaha'! What a blunder!
The next day onwards, I would stick to the simple Assalamualaikum and good morning instead! No more protocols for me, thank you.

A few of my friends rang me and asked if I did it on purpose. Oh God NO!It was truly UNINTENTIONAL but nobody seems to believe me. Knowing the joker I am, they think that it was a planned joke that I had intended all along...that particular word did NOT even cross my mind!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Me, Myself & I

I was born in Trengganu of Kedahan (Malay) & Ganuang (12.5% Pakistan) parents.
Hence my skin colour & jambu nose..

I was brought up everywhere including Johor, Penang, Sabah, Kedah, Kelantan, England, KL Lumpo since my father was an army officer so I REALLY have no sense of belonging to any state least of all Sarawak because I've never been there! ekekek..but now my father is staying put in Wangsa Maju so that is kind of my 'hometown' literally for 12 years now..

I had a troubled childhood , my parents divorced when I was 7 so I had to 'mother' my 4 year old sister. So I guess that's why I'm a bit of a joker (but stern at times...errr...most?!), having to amuse her to keep her happy when things got rough. This is also why I'm never over fairytales (Cinderella, Snow White etc) having the WWW as a stepmother .
My extended family: 4 more siblings from mom, 4 from dad..

I went to SK Sandakan, Sek Sultan Ahmad Tajudin Jitra, SK Pengkalan Chepa, Watchfield School Swindon, Faringdon High School, Collingwood School Camberley, St. Mary's Girls School KL, SM Hamzah Kelantan. So you see, I went to 8 schools all together and that's not even counting my pre school! Sound exhausting!

I went to MPIK (yempiyaikei maktab berbudi, mendidik kami semuahhh)
& The University of Edinburgh Scotland (Braveheart) for Matric & B.Ed (Hons) TESOL

I have a daughter Airina Balqish who passed away at the age of 2 1/2, on 11th Nov 2007
& a son Amar Darwish born on 16th December 2007.

Aimy Alisya born in 2009